The new Summit is here!

As of this month, all Summit libraries have completed the migration to a shared, unified library catalog. Reed completed this migration in December 2013.

All libraries will begin using the shared system for Summit requests on Tuesday, January 20. The experience of finding and requesting books and other library resources has been streamlined, but the actual process of “Summiting” is nearly identical. You’ll be able to view the status of all of your Summit requests in the new system. Please see the Library website for more information.

The old Summit system,, will not be available after Wednesday, January 21.

Please contact Dena Hutto, College Librarian, or your department’s librarian if you have questions or concerns about the new Summit.

Emilio Pucci: Fashion Impressario Reed MA ’37

January 15 – April 15, 2015
Flat Library Cases


The world-renowned fashion designer, Emilio Pucci, had a special relationship with Reed College, having attended Reed in 1936/37. President Dexter Keezer traded tuition, room, and board for Pucci’s time and expertise as a ski instructor, giving Reed the first ski team and, incidentally, giving the world the first of Pucci’s designs with the ski uniforms. On display are items, photos, and documents that connect Pucci to Reed and follow his long association with the college.

Library hours winter break

The library and all branches will close at 5p on Friday, 12/19.  Library hours for winter break are as follows.

Winter Break, 12/19 – 1/25
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Exceptions
Library 8:30 – 5 8:30 – 5 8:30 – 5 8:30 – 5 8:30 – 5 CLOSED CLOSED Closed: 12/24, 12/25,12/31, 1/1, 1/19
Reference 10 – 5 (on call) 10 – 5 (on call) 10 – 5 (on call) 10 – 5 (on call) 10 – 5 (on call) CLOSED CLOSED Closed: 12/24-26, 12/31-1/1, 1/19
IMC Noon – 5 Noon – 5 Noon – 5 Noon – 5 Noon – 5 CLOSED CLOSED Closed: 12/24, 12/25,12/31, 1/1, 1/19
Special Collections 10am – 12pm,
1pm – 4pm,
or by appt.
by appt. 10am – 12pm,
1pm – 4pm,
or by appt.
10am – 12pm,
1pm – 4pm,
or by appt.
by appt. CLOSED CLOSED Closed: 12/22-26, 12/31-1/2, 1/19
VRC 9 – 5 9 – 5 9 – 5 9 – 5 9 – 5 CLOSED CLOSED Closed: 12/24, 12/25,12/31, 1/1, 1/19
PARC 1 – 5 1 – 5 1 – 5 1 – 5 1 – 5 CLOSED CLOSED Closed: 12/20-1/2, 1/19

IMC Feature – Happy Holidays!?

This holiday season IMC feature comes with help from guest annotator Robin Tovey ’97.  In addition to classics of the Christmas variety, the Reed College library has quite the collection of odds and ends, documenting the multifaceted holiday season.  Some of these are musical selections, which are now housed in the PARC (the branch library in the Performing Arts Building).  As always, if you notice any glaring omissions from this list and wish to correct such an injustice, please email me your suggestions.  Enjoy!
Jim Holmes

Happy Holidays!? – Movies & Music

Library hours fall break

The library will be open regular hours during fall break with the following exceptions.

Main library – closes at 8p on Friday 10/17 and Saturday 10/18.

IMC – closed 10/18-10/19.  Open noon-5p, 10/20-10/24.  Closed 10/25.

VRC – closed 10/24

Reference service will be unavailable Saturday 10/18 & Sunday 10/19, will be available 10 am – 5 pm Monday 10/20 – Friday 10/24, and resume regular hours on Saturday, 10/25.

PARC and Special Collections will be open regular hours.

Encyclopedias: The Art of Organizing Knowledge

September 30–December 31, 2014
Flat Library Cases


Encyclopedias and dictionaries trace their history back to the ancient Greeks at the least. Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia is accepted as the first true encyclopedia—in 37 volumes, and dictionaries date to the same period. Reed is fortunate in owning a remarkable collection of representative compilations, from Pliny in a 1600 German blackletter edition through Diderot’s Encyclopédie and a 1798 American version of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Taken from the library’s special collections, the exhibit fills the library’s four flat cases and the wall case behind the reference desk.

Thesis desk lottery


Random numbers for the Senior thesis desk lottery will be drawn from the official 470 list.  If you are a senior, but are not yet registered for 470, and want to be included in the drawing, please come to the circulation desk and have your name added to the lottery list by Monday, September 15.  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Studio Art, and Psychology, majors are not eligible for desks in the Library.  Seniors who plan to start their theses in Spring 2015 are not assigned desks until the beginning of next semester.

The list of numbers will be posted Tuesday, September 16 along with a map of thesis desk locations so that you can have preferences in mind before the actual selection.

The choosing of desks will begin at noon on Wednesday, September 17 in the library lobby.  You, or your proxy, must be present when your name is called.  Lottery numbers are not transferable.

NOTE:  Some desks, as indicated on the map, will be shared.  In order to help create the most pleasant sharing arrangement possible, the person with the better number may bring in as a partner another senior on the list who has a less desirable number.  Please make those arrangements before the noon time selection and let us know that is your plan when your name is called.

Any questions contact Brian Kelley

Video trial – The Criterion Collection

Widely considered the best of world cinema and comprising some of the most influential works of the last century, The Criterion Collection showcases the definitive versions of seminal titles in the history of motion pictures. Features accompanying the films include HD streaming, scrolling transcripts, and shareable clips and playlists. The trial ends 9/20. Please send feedback to Jim Holmes.