Library Lobby Survey results: What software or technology do you wish the library had?

We had a write in question for this week’s library lobby survey: “What software or technology do you wish the library had?” You gave us 33 total responses:

  • A computer with the capability to download new fonts from the web
  • 3d printer
  • Igor Pro
  • Ableton
  • Dijon Mustard
  • Some kind of dedicated theater database
  • Electronic subscription to NYT, etc.
  • Zotero, Photoshop
  • Illustrator/Photoshop
  • More GIS
  • Adobe PDF Reader 🙂
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Microsoft Teams
  • -More hole punches spread around -easier to find sci journal access??
  • Wifi that works in the government archives
  • photocopier/scanner
  • Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Tablet drivers! We have photoshop but its a pain w/ out pressure sensitivity
  • Final Cut Pro or Photoshop
  • The Adobe Suite
  • Computers running Linux
  • Logic/video editing programs
  • Bloomberg Terminal
  • pro tools
  • in Design
  • smart boards
  • Dreamweaver
  • Photoshop
  • updated Adobe Indesign
  • VR headsets
  • VR headset
  • subscription to more science journals
  • really good scanner

Library Lobby Surveys happen (almost) every Tuesday. Stop by to cast your vote and get some candy! We love to hear feedback from you all.

Library Lobby Survey results: I want the library to provide more…

This week’s library lobby survey asked, “I want the library to provide more…” with options of “Cultural events or lectures”, “Workshops”, “Book Discussions”, and a write-in jar for “Suggestions”. Results are in!

  • Cultural events or lectures: 83 votes
  • Workshops: 41 votes
  • Book Discussions: 40 votes
  • Total: 164
  • Write in suggestions included earlier opening hours, author talks, fun books for reading, acoustically separated areas, to remove the empty metal under-desk computer holders in North Ref, and WARMTH.

Library Lobby Surveys happen (almost) every Tuesday. Stop by to cast your vote and get some candy! We love to hear feedback from you all.

Library Lobby Survey results: how do you want to ask questions?

Image of the library lobby survey, with signs "Got a question? Do you prefer asking..." Jars with "Chat", "Text", "Email", and "In Person" are available on a bookcart.
Library Lobby Survey, “Got a question? Do you prefer asking…”

In the library, our main job is to help you find and access resources, which often means answering a lot of questions! In this week’s Library Lobby Survey, we wanted to know how you’d prefer to ask questions.

Results are in: Of 159 responses, most prefer to ask questions in person.

  • In person: 88
  • Text: 42
  • Chat: 15
  • Email: 14

Library Lobby Surveys happen (almost) every Tuesday. Stop by to cast your vote and get some candy!

Día de los muertos at Reed Library

Día de los muertos is a popular Mexican holiday that dates back 3000 years to the Aztec Empire. Those who celebrate Día de los muertos believe that on midnight October 31st and November 1st the souls of their departed loved ones descend to visit their families.

Monday, October 28th
Is there a dead poet or author you admire?
Come share your ideas for our ofrenda.
Library Lobby 1-2 PM

Tuesday, October 29th
Papel Picado Party
Help us cut our brightly colored tissue paper designs and make cempazuchitl flowers.
Library Room L17 1-2 PM

Friday, November 1st
It is believed the dead enjoy the tastes and smells of food. Join us for pan de muerto and chocolate as we celebrate Día de los Muertos.
Library Lobby 1-3 PM

All events are free and open to students, faculty, and staff. For more information contact Lily De La Fuente, Humanities Librarian, at

Ofrenda = an offering
Calavera = representation of a skull
Papel picado = perforated paper
Pan de muerto = sweet bread traditionally baked for Día de los muertos
Cempazuchitl flowers = marigolds

Call for participation! Library focus groups on thesis desks

The majority of existing library thesis desks are in parts of the library that will be inaccessible during the 2020-2021 library seismic renovation. Come help us determine how to handle this! The Library User Experience Group will hold focus groups to get your feedback on potential solutions. Students from all years are welcome! Food will be provided.

All focus groups will be held in Library room 17

Wednesday October 9th 5pm-6pm

Thursday October 10th 9am-10am

Friday October 11th 12pm-12:50pm

Drop-ins are welcome, but you’re encouraged to RSVP so we have enough food. Need accommodations? Please contact Robin Ford at or 503-777-7272.

Thesis Desk Lottery

Random numbers for the Senior thesis desk lottery will be drawn from the official 470 list.  If you are a senior, but are not yet registered for 470, and want to be included in the drawing, please come to the circulation desk and have your name added to the lottery list by Monday, September 16.  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Studio Art, and Psychology majors are not eligible for thesis desks in the Library. 

The list of numbers will be posted Tuesday, September 17 along with a map of thesis desk locations, so that you can have preferences in mind before the actual selection.

The choosing of desks will begin at noon on Wednesday, September 18 in the library lobby.  You or your proxy must be present when your name is called.  Lottery numbers are not transferable.

NOTE:  Some desks, as indicated on the map, will be shared.  In order to help create the most pleasant sharing arrangement possible, the person with the better number may bring in as a partner another senior on the list who has a lower number.  Please make those arrangements before the noon time selection and let us know that is your plan when your name is called.

Any questions contact Brian Kelley

Search everything! (in Reed Digital Collections)

We’re excited to share a new feature in Reed Digital Collections: the ability to search across collections! Want to see all items relating to the traditional game of tug of war between Reed first years and sophomores? You’ll now be able to easily search both the digitized photos from archives and the Quest newspaper collection! Or maybe you need images of a frog for an art project? You can now find them in the Art & Architecture collection, the Canyon Collection, and more, all in one search.

Be sure to sign in for full results, and happy searching! Let us know what you think at

Add your thesis to the electronic archive


Help build the digital thesis tower! As an alum you’ll be able to access your theses online anytime, anywhere. But you have to upload it first!

  • As soon as you’ve completed your first thesis check and are ready for printing, you can upload your thesis to the archive.
  • Save final version of your thesis as a PDF.
  • Visit the electronic theses website and click on the submission button to start the process.

Participation is voluntary and you have control over who can access your thesis. Consult with your advisor about your interest in submitting to the electronic archive, especially if your thesis contains ongoing research.

Please direct any questions

Photo Credit:A Reed College Library grotesque in laurels. Photo courtesy of Special Collections and Archives, design by Jason Parker.

Mueller Report Now Available

A redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was released online to the public April 18th. There are now two print copies available in the Library: one is on the New Book Shelf in the Periodical Reading Room and the other is shelved in the Government Documents Room.

Logo for the Federal Depository Library ProgramReed College Library received the report through the Federal Depository Library Program. Reed has been participating in the program since 1912.