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Recommended Resource: LangMedia Most language learners are familiar with the term “language proficiency.” Four components — listening, speaking, reading and writing — are measured when a learner’s language proficiency is being assessed. The measurement of world languages proficiency follows the guidelines … finish reading LangMedia
French Grammar Central
French Grammar Central is developed by Robert D. Peckham from University of Tennessee Martin. It is one of the most complete grammar study guides I have ever encountered.
I learned about Duolingo ( at the CALICO conference in May 2012. James Paul Gee, the keynote speaker, mentioned Duolingo briefly in his keynote speech. In summer, one of our French students mentioned that he had enjoyed studying… Continue reading
Software Report: Antidote
Jack Burston, a senior lecturer in French at Monash Universtiy in Australia, and also currently the Software Revew Editor of the CALICO (The Computer Assisted Language Insruction Consortium) Journal, had written a detailed, indepth review of the French grammar/spell… Continue reading
Posted in Foreign Languages
Tagged French, research/literature
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