Meet a tutor: Lei Zhao (Chinese)

Hello, my name is Lei Zhao, and I come from the northeastern region of China, majoring in Mathematical Physics. I work as a Chinese language drop-in and individual tutor at the language lab. I am happy to help everyone learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture and history. You’re welcome to join my tutoring sessions to discuss related topics. Of course, if you are interested in or have any questions about Physics/Mathematics/Chemistry, I would be equally happy to discuss them with you.

你好,我叫赵光磊(Lei Zhao),我来自中国东北部地区,主修数学物理。我在language lab做汉语的drop-in和individual tutor。我乐意于帮助大家学习汉语,了解中国文化和历史。欢迎来我的tutor session跟我讨论相关的问题。当然,如果你对物理/数学/化学感兴趣或者有什么问题,我一样乐意一起去讨论。