Tag Archives: schedule

Upcoming changes in meditation calendar

We will continue meeting on Thursdays in April, but May will be a month of transition with a mix of Thursday meetings early in the month giving way to Tuesday meetings later in the month. The last Thursday meeting will be May 12, and the first Tuesday meeting will be May 10 (note: this is Finals week so it seemed like two meetings might be a good idea!).

June, July, and August meetings will all fall on Tuesdays except when I’m traveling (a common summer occurrence). A complete list of meeting dates can be found on Our Schedule. If you use Google calendar, ask me to share the Reed Meditation calendar with you.

Wed – The Middle Day

Wednesday will be the regular silent meditation day for Fall 2015. Our first Wednesday session will be September 2.

I will supply the first bells at 12:10, another bell at 12:20, and another at 12:30. Finally, a group of three bells at 12:40

You can supply your body, your thoughts, your energy, your distracted self.


January 2015 Meditation Schedule

All kinds of strange things are happening to our schedule this month. Meditation in the Eliot chapel will happen during the noon hour in the usual way on the following dates (please note the deviations from our normal Thursday routine):

  • Wed, Jan 7
  • Wed, Jan 14
  • Thur, Jan 29

There will not be any meditation for Paideia week, but there will be many opportunities to attend classes of all types during the week. Here’s a current list of classes that seem to have a strong body/mental awareness component (check the Paideia schedule for the most up-to-date info):

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