The number of people practicing (and advocating) some form of meditation has literally exploded in the past decade. ‘How to’ instructions can be found almost everywhere you look: neighborhood classes, books, CDs, and online.
The materials listed here are a very limited sample of what is out there. If you discover other materials that are better suited to your inclinations, don’t hesitate to follow your nose.
Sitting instructions
- Mindful Magazine: how to meditate (basic meditation instructions)
- Jon Kabat-Zinn: basic instructions (presented to a class at Google)
Beyond mindful sitting …
- UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center: free guided meditations for several types of meditation
- Walking meditation: instructions, more instructions
- Metta (gentle friendliness) meditation: instructions
- U. New Hampshire Health Services: Metta (gentle friendliness) meditation for college students: audio instructions (13.5 min)
More resources
- Mindfulness Research Monthly, Dr. David S. Black : free list of scientific research articles examining mindfulness meditation
- Mindful magazine: taking time for what matters