Halloween Pumpkins

Halloween fell on Friday this year so I should have been expecting a “trick” or “treat” when I arrived at lecture. Little did I know that I would get both.

Everyone was seated in the dark when I arrived and two jack-o-lanterns were glowing on the front table. It took me a few moments to figure out that I should look at the front of them to see how they were carved. To my surprise, both had “organic” connections, glucose on the right (all equatorial chair conformer) and retinol (vitamin A) on the left.

Retinol is a rather long molecule so it required two photos from different angles to capture the entire molecule. Alex, thanks so much.

Left side of molecules (click for full size):
IMG_0747 trimmed.jpg

Right side of molecules (click for full size):
IMG_0737 trimmed.jpg

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