I will try to keep you up-to-date by email, but here is where things stand:
HW #1-7 – everything that I have ever received has been read and returned. If you don’t have your assignment, check the box outside my door. If it isn’t there …
HW #8 – I am currently reading these and adding them to the papers outside my door. I expect to finish them before I leave work today, but I can’t promise that.
Exam #1-3 – everything that I have ever received has been graded and returned. If you don’t have your exam, check with Kathy Kennedy, Rm. 303.
Lab reports – I have returned all lab reports except for the isopentyl acetate (banana oil) and acetylferrocene. I will begin returning some of the isopentyl acetate reports today and that will continue through the weekend. I hope to have them all read by Sunday afternoon, but we will see … You will not be allowed to revise either the isopentyl acetate or acetylferrocene reports. What’s done is done.