Buy, Register (and Bring) Your Clicker

I received this message from Kristin Bott in CUS. She’s been gathering data about your clickers and she NEEDS YOUR HELP. Read on,

Good afternoon, Chem 201!

A high-five to the 30 of you who have currently registered your clickers. For the remaining near-40 of you, please do so soon! I need to do some data manipulation with that data before Alan can use clickers in class successfully.

To register your clicker, fill out this form.

Your clicker number is a six-digit code on the clicker (see form for examples), a mixture of numbers and letters OR just numbers.

That form requires you to use your Reed credentials. If you are having problems accessing the form,

  1. open a NEW browser (if you’re working in Chrome, open Firefox, or Safari, or …)
  2. login at
  3. try to access the form again

If that still doesn’t work, you can send me an email with:

  • Your full name (First Last)
  • Your Reed email handle (everything before
  • Your lecture section
  • Your clicker number (six-character code on back of clicker)

If you have any questions or significant confusions, let me know —

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