I received this message from Kristin Bott in CUS. She’s been gathering data about your clickers and she NEEDS YOUR HELP. Read on,
Good afternoon, Chem 201!
A high-five to the 30 of you who have currently registered your clickers. For the remaining near-40 of you, please do so soon! I need to do some data manipulation with that data before Alan can use clickers in class successfully.
To register your clicker, fill out this form.
Your clicker number is a six-digit code on the clicker (see form for examples), a mixture of numbers and letters OR just numbers.
That form requires you to use your Reed credentials. If you are having problems accessing the form,
- open a NEW browser (if you’re working in Chrome, open Firefox, or Safari, or …)
- login at weblogin.reed.edu
- try to access the form again
If that still doesn’t work, you can send me an email with:
- Your full name (First Last)
- Your Reed email handle (everything before @reed.edu)
- Your lecture section
- Your clicker number (six-character code on back of clicker)
If you have any questions or significant confusions, let me know — kbott@reed.edu.