Category Archives: General Instructional Technology

Dual Filament Printing

Both 3D printers in the fabrication lab come equipped with dual filament printing heads that allow for a variety of effects including printing in multiple colors, multiple transparencies, or printing with dissolvable supports. Here are the steps required to make … finish reading Dual Filament Printing

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H5p Example: Image Hotspots is an open source platform that has a suite of learning resources that can be created within our blog system. The organization has an abundance of great examples on their website that can be explored. Creating branching scenarios, image … finish reading H5p Example: Image Hotspots

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Customizing a 3d Model

A classics professor was retiring from Reed College, and as a parting gift, a bust of Homer (one of his favorite Greek poets) was to be made at the Digital Fabs, a space located in the Reed physics building with 3d … finish reading Customizing a 3d Model

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Mother 32 and DFAM (drummer from another mother) at PARC

The Performing Arts Resource Center (PARC) in the Performing Arts Building (PAB) has added two Moog analog synthesizers to our continually evolving A/V editing room 327! 

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Retreat! Strategy, sandwiches, stroopwaffles

On a calm and ordinary-seeming summer morning, we gathered around mugs of sweet-waffle-topped coffee and breakfast sandwiches and brainstormed future directions, exciting projects, and then some. Stay tuned…

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Screen Capturing your Mac Computer Screen

You may need to take a screen capture (or screenshot or grab; different terms, same idea) of your Apple’s desktop or laptop’s screen. Apple has a screenshot page that lists this info. Here’s  the two most basic and commonly-used commands. … finish reading Screen Capturing your Mac Computer Screen

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Using iMovie

Note: There is a list of iMovie tutorials online at the bottom of this page that are extremely helpful. Be sure to check them out!  Here’s a brief video that covers how to start a project, import footage, do a … finish reading Using iMovie

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Laser Cutting a Chinese Print Block (part two)

Part one’s project created a replica of a Chinese woodblock, in this case a woodblock from the 1970s that was in fairly good shape (at 40 years old!); the woodblock itself  was intact, and the wood carving still had pretty crisp … finish reading Laser Cutting a Chinese Print Block (part two)

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Discontinuation of VHS Support at Reed / YouTube to VHS ?

Notices have appeared in the various media labs around campus: Reed is discontinuing all VHS support, beginning this Fall. The news has come without fanfare, and those who did see the signs were, in all likelihood, even more surprised to … finish reading Discontinuation of VHS Support at Reed / YouTube to VHS ?

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Post-Production (aka Editing)

This is where you pull everything together. You will review any footage or media, fix any issues with the media, then bring them onto a timeline and do your first edit in the editing software of your choice. Then, refine … finish reading Post-Production (aka Editing)

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