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Tag Archives: video
Detaching audio from a video file using the Quicktime player
Open a video file up in quicktime. From the File menu, choose Export As, then choose Audio Only. Save the file to an area on your hard drive. The file format will have an .m4a audio extension, and can be … finish reading Detaching audio from a video file using the Quicktime player
Posted in Audio Production, Video Production
Tagged quicktime, video, video editing
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The Editing Process
First round(s) of editing Give a brief statement on the project. Questions to ask yourself: What is the topic of the project? Can it be explained in 1-3 sentences? Is there a time limit to the project? If so, time … finish reading The Editing Process
Tagged multimedia, video, video editing, video production
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Using iMovie
Note: There is a list of iMovie tutorials online at the bottom of this page that are extremely helpful. Be sure to check them out! Here’s a brief video that covers how to start a project, import footage, do a … finish reading Using iMovie
Posted in General Instructional Technology
Tagged iMovie, multimedia, video, video editing, video production
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Discontinuation of VHS Support at Reed / YouTube to VHS ?
Notices have appeared in the various media labs around campus: Reed is discontinuing all VHS support, beginning this Fall. The news has come without fanfare, and those who did see the signs were, in all likelihood, even more surprised to … finish reading Discontinuation of VHS Support at Reed / YouTube to VHS ?
Posted in General Instructional Technology, News / Announcements, Performing Arts
Tagged DIY, VHS, video, Youtube
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Post-Production (aka Editing)
This is where you pull everything together. You will review any footage or media, fix any issues with the media, then bring them onto a timeline and do your first edit in the editing software of your choice. Then, refine … finish reading Post-Production (aka Editing)
Posted in General Instructional Technology, Video Production
Tagged multimedia, video, video editing, video production
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Here’s a few pages to help you in the video production process: Screen capturing and screen recording on your Mac There’s links in the post-production section on how to record or screen capture your Mac computer screen, but here’s those … finish reading Production
Posted in Video Production
Tagged multimedia, video, video editing, video production
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Edit the Project with Video Editing Software
Video editing software choices for pc-users Here’s a list of possible video editing software choices. Video editing software choices for Mac-users iMovie is an easy free tool installed on most Macs, and is the best video editing software for its … finish reading Edit the Project with Video Editing Software
Posted in General Instructional Technology
Tagged iMovie, multimedia, video, video editing, video production
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Editing Terms to Know
This is a brief list of video editing terms; there is plenty more to know that have been compiled elsewhere, from sites such as and Camera shot and editing terms Here’s a few basics terms to know: Long … finish reading Editing Terms to Know
Tagged multimedia, video, video editing, video production
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Screencasting Tips
Screenflow is great for screencasting, but this grab bag of tips can be applied to any screencasting scenario (there’s loads of free screencast software on the web as well). Quicktime can also do screencasting.
Posted in General Instructional Technology
Tagged screen capture, screencast, video
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Shoot a film with our new iPad filmmaking case!
As an instructional technologist for performing arts my job is multifaceted. One of the aspect of my job is to look for emerging technologies that could be relevant to education within the performing arts; another aspect is to look for … finish reading Shoot a film with our new iPad filmmaking case!
Posted in General Instructional Technology, Performing Arts
Tagged mobile technology, video
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