This was our final week of classes. On Friday we visited the 4th century villa at Piazza Armerina, famous for its many beautiful mosaics:
For more pictures, follow this link. On Saturday we were lucky to be able to go to a performance of the Medea in the theater in Syracuse originally constructed for Hieron I, but largely rebuilt by the tyrants of the 4th and 3rd centuries, culminating in the design of Hieron II. The theater was full and the performance suitably dramatic, with a grand Medea ex machina at the end (for pictures without people and seats, see here):
To add to this fine finale, even David Beckham was in town with his star-studded AC Milan team (he picked up an assist and a yellow card):
I just read that David Beckham was flown to Finland on Monday for surgery on an Achilles tendon injury. I hope not that this could end his playing career.