Hi, This is Alan Shusterman, your Chem 201 instructor.
Classes get underway tomorrow and the first o-chem lecture will be in Eliot 314, but o-chem will actually start earlier in the day for some of you. Confusing? Let me tell you exactly what you need to know.
Lecture this week. There are two lecture sections for Chem 201 this year: MW 3:10-4:30 & TuTh 10:30-11:50. Both meet in E314. The caps have been lifted a bit in order to make room for 82 students (45 in MW F01 and 37 in TuTh F02). Please attend only the section that you have registered for. If you are still trying to add this class, you must come see me and persuade me to sign an ADD form because online registration is closed.
CLICKERS this week. I plan to use clickers starting on Day 1. Bring your clicker to every lecture. If your clicker needs to a little tender care or a juicier battery, take it to the Bookstore on Monday morning. If you can't find your clicker, you can buy one at the Bookstore.
>>> LAB THIS WEEK <<< Labs will meet every day this week, starting tomorrow. We have four lab sections for Chem 201 this year: MTuF 1:10-5:00 and Th 12:30-4:20. Lab lecture takes place in Psych 105 for all students on F, 9-9:50. Please attend only the section that the Registrar has placed you in. (Note: the Registrar reassigned several students to new lab sections last Friday nite so your schedule may have changed.) If you were on a waiting list or if you would like to change lab sections, you will need to come see me and persuade me to sign an ADD form. If you absolutely cannot make it to your assigned lab section, then please come to the section that you would like to be in. Here's our tentative lab schedule for this week:
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