Chem 201-202 Transition State

Welcome back!

Chem 202 pretty much picks up right where Chem 201 left off: same book, same rooms, same hours. There are some important changes, however, so please check out the following.

  • Lecture. My role will be reduced. Pat McDougal will take over all of the lectures and all that that entails (homework assignments, exams, and so on).
  • Conference. Pat and I will swap conference sections. He will direct the morning sessions and I will direct the afternoon sessions.
  • Lab. I will continue on in the Tuesday lab, and Pat will take over the Monday and Wednesday labs.
  • Online materials. Pat will distribute assignments in whatever way he likes best, but with only one important exception: he won’t use this website. The exception is the online lab manual. This manual includes all of the experiments currently planned for Chem 202.

If you have questions about how Chem 202 will operate, please direct them to Pat (Rm. 420, ext. 7206,

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