#31: Fleshy Bodies and Techno Foucault with Soroa Lear ’21, Comparative Literature

From dancing for nine hours to techno in Berlin to applying critical theory to bodies in movement, Soroa talks about her pandemic year of diving deeply into her thesis writing.

Reed community members can read Soroa’s thesis, “Assembled and Undone: Bodies Beyond Subjection,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#15: Queer Intimacy in Media with Saga Darnell ’20, Theatre/Dance

Frank and Saga discuss Saga’s thesis, “Our Beds Are Islands: Creating Queer Intimacy Through Physical Theatre In The Age Of Streaming Media”, which included a theatre performance in the fall.

If you’d like to hear more from Saga, check out this TEDx event from January 2020 (referenced on the podcast).

Reed community members can read Saga’s thesis online in the Electronic Theses Archive.