#58: Snowbirds in South Beach with Isaac Walton ’24, Anthropology

Isaac graduated in fall 2023 as a spring/fall grad in the anthropology department. His thesis was titled “Aging in The Sun: An exploration of the Jewish Retirement Community in South Beach, Florida,” and his work focused on how this community in Florida appeared and disappeared. He also talks about how he found anthropology, found his topic, and found Reed (he’s from Australia).

Reed community members can read Isaac’s thesis, “Aging in The Sun: An exploration of the Jewish Retirement Community in South Beach, Florida,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#54: Indigenous Modernity along the Columbia River with Sofie Larsen-Teskey ’23, Anthropology

Sofie is sitting up against the trunk of a large redwood tree and looking into the camera with a partial smile.

Sofie gets excited about the opportunity she had to write an ethnographic thesis which explored relationships between the Indigenous peoples of the Columbia River and salmon. Sofie also talks about what it took to produce her “multi-chapter document”.

Reed community members can read Sofie’s thesis, “Salmon Pluralities: Nch’í Wána Pum, Traditional Fishing, and Indigenous Modernity,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#36: Social Labs with Leila Shokat ’21, Anthropology

Leila spent a pandemic year remotely studying the members and activities of a lab that had quickly pivoted to study COVID-19 at the beginning the pandemic.

Reed community members can read Leila’s thesis, “In Our Hands: How Biologists Negotiate Unpredictability to Make and Share Knowledge,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#34: Post-Soviet Nationalism with Demeter Anderson ’21, Anthropology

Amelie and Demeter talk about Demeter’s thesis on nationalism, gender, and culture in Kazakhstan.

Reed community members can read Demeter’s thesis, “Blossoming from the Steppe: Nationalism and Culture in Urban Kazakhstan,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#29: Republicanism and Blackness with Anesu Ndoro ’21, Anthropology

Anesu spent his pandemic thesis year investigating Black conservative Republicans in the U.S., and examining how ideas of family connect Black conservatives and the Republican party.

Reed community members can read Anesu’s thesis, “Family Matters: Black Conservatives and Political Belonging in the Republican Party,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.