#61: ESG Signaling with Tina Bardot ’23, Environmental Studies

We’ve got one last interview for summer and then we take a break until school starts back up in the fall. Check in with Tina about corporate ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and unwinding with rock climbing.

Reed community members can read Tina’s thesis, “ESG Beyond Investing: Spillover Effects in Sustainability Signaling,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#38: Teaching About Climate Change with Kieran Wharton ’22, Environmental Studies

When Kieran learned that high school chemistry teachers reportedly teach climate change at the lowest rate among STEM teachers, he decided to study this for his thesis. You won’t learn much about climate change in this episode, but you will learn about Kieran’s learning process as he discovered how education research is done (lots of analyzing of interview transcripts).

Reed community members can read Kieran’s thesis, “Incorporation of Climate Change Topics in High School Chemistry: Teacher Practices, Beliefs, and Barriers to Implementation,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#32: Pigs and Plantations with Ema Chomsky ’21, Environmental Studies

Ema Chomsky ’21 wrote her thesis on the environmental history of Haiti by focusing on U.S. interventions in the country.

Reed community members can read Ema’s thesis, “Pigs and Plantations: US Environmental Interventions in Haiti in the Twentieth Century,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#21: Micro to Macro with Mahalia Dryak ’20, Environmental Studies

Frank Tangherlini ’22 talks to Mahalia about her thesis on microplastics, macroinvertebrates, and fresh water river systems in the Pacific Northwest. Reed’s Environmental Studies program is an interdisciplinary major which requires students to select a focus in one of five disciplines: biology, chemistry, economics, history, or political science.

Reed community members can read Mahalia’s thesis, “The Ubiquitous Pollutant: Measuring microplastics and ecosystem health along the Clackamas River, OR,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.