#61: ESG Signaling with Tina Bardot ’23, Environmental Studies

We’ve got one last interview for summer and then we take a break until school starts back up in the fall. Check in with Tina about corporate ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and unwinding with rock climbing.

Reed community members can read Tina’s thesis, “ESG Beyond Investing: Spillover Effects in Sustainability Signaling,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#14: Wholesale Electricity Markets with Mitzi Zitler ’19, Economics

Mitzi with friends, wearing plastic laurels and stylized sunglasses, smiling.

Seth Paskin ’90 interviewed Mitzi Zitler ’19 back in fall of 2019 about her thesis work investigating the wholesale electricity market in Oregon, and some of its interactions with California markets. Mitzi’s thesis title: “Econometric analysis of real-time wholesale electricity prices at major west coast trading hubs”.

#12: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes with Gerry Peña-Martinez ’20, Art/Economics

Gerry wrote a thesis which focuses on 20th century cigarette advertisements, and the relationship which those advertisements mediated between cigarettes and the people who smoke them. Follow along with Gerry’s experience writing this thesis for an ad hoc interdisciplinary major.

Reed community members can read Gerry’s thesis online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#11: Microfinance in Mexico with Alyse Cronk ’20, Economics

Alyse entered Reed with an interest in microfinance and connections in Mexico, so spending a year examining microloans and their outcomes for people in Mexico made sense for her. Listen to Alyse as she talks about the thesis she wrote as part of her bachelor’s degree in Economics.

Reed community members can read Alyse’s thesis online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#4: China’s New Silk Road with Soha Ahmed ’20, Economics

Is history repeating itself? Today we will hear from Soha on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (which is often described as the 21st century silk road), and its effect on foreign investment in sub-saharan Africa.

Reed community members can read Soha’s thesis online in the Electronic Theses Archive.