#62: A Russian Emigre Poet with Nina Gopaldas ’24, Comparative Literature

Burn Your Draft is back from summer break! Check out this interview with Nina Gopaldas ’24, whose thesis involved translating poetry by a Russian refugee named Olga Skopichenko who lived in a refugee camp in the Philippines for a short time after World War II. Nina also tells Avis about her journey to Reed as a transfer student and about how she started college as an applied math major specializing in mathematical finance and became a comparative literature major at Reed.

Reed community members can read Nina’s thesis, “‘Take a Hundred Lines for the Memory of Those who Lived on Tubabao’: The Poetics of Exile and Displacement in Olga Skopichenko’s Verse,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#37: Exploring Fictional Worlds with Kavi Subramanian ’20, Comparative Literature

Kavi wrote a thesis that centered around writing two case studies examining the fictional worlds of a 1994 Nintendo game called EarthBound, and a television series called Adventure Time.

Reed community members can read Kavi’s thesis, “World between Bits,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.

#31: Fleshy Bodies and Techno Foucault with Soroa Lear ’21, Comparative Literature

From dancing for nine hours to techno in Berlin to applying critical theory to bodies in movement, Soroa talks about her pandemic year of diving deeply into her thesis writing.

Reed community members can read Soroa’s thesis, “Assembled and Undone: Bodies Beyond Subjection,” online in the Electronic Theses Archive.